Monday, December 7, 2009

High compliments

This post taken (with permission) from:

Sunday, March 15, 2009

1st attempt I've been home just about 7 months. My life after the mission is just great! Though the mission is what now seems a dream, it has provided me with so many important experiences that have improved my standard of living.

Some of you will appreciate this. I came home with so many goals and plans, but no planner to put them in. The mission planners weren't available to me so I tried a school agenda and a zip up beefy "brain organizer planner." Though they had a lot of extra features to them...they were just to big and not fit to my style of organization. I had them at different times, and I lost them several times too. took me a whole semester to finally figure out that just maybe, some genius would have come up with a Return Missionary Planner. I took my chances walked down to the lower level of the BYU Bookstore to the planner section and THERE it was. Glorious and Beautiful the 1st edition of the RM-planner. It was only different in some ways...the format, but very similar. It also goes by 9 weeks verses 6 weeks...which adds up to half a semester by the way.

So...I bought it and used it up and am happy to report that I am now on my 2nd planner. How long will I use them? Don't know...but it is so easy to carry, so easy to take out and write in, and such a blessing to my busy busy busy life.

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